With Security Analytics Tools Failing, It’s Better to Focus on Data Protection

With Security Analytics Tools Failing, It’s Better to Focus on Data Protection

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Cybersecurity is an arms race, pure and simple. As one side enhances its offensive capabilities, the other must respond in kind by improving their defenses. Thus, as threat actors became increasingly skilled at circumventing perimeter security through phished or brute-forced credentials, or vulnerability exploitation, network defenders responded by focusing more ... Read More
Why Data Protection is Critical to the Success of Emerging Technologies

Why Data Protection is Critical to the Success of Emerging Technologies

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Technology innovation is both a blessing and a curse. Organizations keen to drive sustainable growth in a world of economic and geopolitical uncertainty, must continually keep a watchful eye on the latest emerging trends. But these same developments might also expand the corporate cyber-attack surface to threat actors looking for ... Read More
Passwords Amplify Insider Risk: It’s Time to Protect What Matters Most

Passwords Amplify Insider Risk: It’s Time to Protect What Matters Most

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The death of the password has been predicted for nearly two decades. Yet in 2023, the majority of organizations still use static credentials to control access to some of their most important digital assets. Why? Largely because of the cost and user resistance challenges associated with alternatives. Yet these same ... Read More
Data Monetization: Why Everything Starts with Data-Centric Security

Data Monetization: Why Everything Starts with Data-Centric Security

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It’s hard to think of a business today that isn’t data driven. Whether selling it to third parties or leveraging insight internally, monetizing that data one way or another is the primary impulse of most boards. But there’s a catch. As data insight becomes a differentiator for enterprises, it has ... Read More
Monetizing Data: Why Companies Are Looking Within to Drive Business Success

Monetizing Data: Why Companies Are Looking Within to Drive Business Success

Data volumes are soaring globally as the digital world continues to grow exponentially. By some estimates, the amount created, captured, copied, and consumed worldwide will grow by 24% year-on-year to hit 120 zettabytes by the end of 2023. It could reach as much as 181 zettabytes by 2025. Organizations have ... Read More
AI Means Business, So Start with Data-Centric Security

AI Means Business, So Start with Data-Centric Security

Across the globe, organizations are waking up to the power of artificial intelligence (AI). Even before ChatGPT, the technology was starting to move from being an early adopter buzzword to something capable of effecting business transformation for the corporate masses. The market for AI software, hardware and services is expected ... Read More
ChatGPT Will Democratize Cybercrime and Force Firms to Double Down on Data Security

ChatGPT Will Democratize Cybercrime and Force Firms to Double Down on Data Security

Everyone’s talking about artificial intelligence (AI) today, thanks to one app taking the world by storm. ChatGPT reached 100 million global users in just two months – faster than any other consumer app in history, according to analysts. Stories abound of its uncanny ability to mimic human text – in ... Read More
Securing Snowflake: How Companies Can Optimize Data Analytics in a Low-Risk Way

Securing Snowflake: How Companies Can Optimize Data Analytics in a Low-Risk Way

Business leaders are increasingly turning to cloud-based analytics to deliver the insight they need for effective decision-making. Market analyst IDC claims this kind of intelligence can drive financial, employee, customer and offering outcomes — and enhance digital resilience, agility and innovation. But that same data also represents business risk if ... Read More

Data Security as a Competitive Differentiator in 2023

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Many organizations will be heading into 2023 with some amount of trepidation. Rising interest rates and inflation coupled with a cost of living crisis in many countries have increased the risk of global recession as growth slows sharply and consumers rein in spending. Geopolitical uncertainty only adds to boardroom jitters ... Read More

A Year in Review: Top 9 Cybersecurity Lessons of 2022

This time of the year is always a good moment to pause and take stock of what has gone before. For IT and security leaders, there’s been plenty to digest, from new data protection compliance requirements to escalating breach volumes. Several Australian companies were most recently on the receiving end ... Read More