Failed WordPress login attempts log

How to limit login attempts on WordPress

Many administrators and website owners balk at the sight of failed login attempts on their WordPress site - yet, these are more common than you might think. While they’re not necessarily a ...
Popular SMTP plugins for WordPress

Why should I worry about securing my WordPress emails?

Emails are everywhere. They have become one of the most common methods of communication among people over the Internet. WordPress administrators and website owners use emails for various purposes, such as personal ...
Troubleshoot WordPress error

Fixing “There has been a critical error on your WordPress website”

Getting a WordPress critical error is not something that any of us wants to experience by any stretch of the imagination. A critical error can give even the most seasoned of administrators ...
2FA back up codes

How to recover from a WordPress 2FA lockout

Using 2FA to secure your WordPress website is by far one of the best security measures you can take. It adds an additional layer of security while being very easy to set ...
Debug image

How to Debug Common WordPress Issues

WordPress is a very stable CMS system and, in most cases, works without a hitch. Due to its versatility, however, in certain cases, an issue may pop up. This can happen for ...
Hardening MySQL for your WordPress site

Hardening MySQL for your WordPress site

WordPress, the most popular CMS, runs on MySQL, the most popular database out there. Spending some time to ensure your MySQL installation and WordPress database configuration installation is adequately hardened against common ...
How to set up CAPTCHA on WooCommerce | CAPTCHA 4WP WordPress Plugin | WP White Security

Why You Need CAPTCHA on Your WordPress Website

You're about to make an online purchase but all of a sudden you're asked to decode a strangely twisted word, make a simple calculation, or identify which images presented include a bus ...
Wpassword Artwork

CISA’s list of bad practices that harm WordPress security

CISA, which stands for Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, is a US federal agency operating under the Department of Homeland Security. Established in 2018, it supersedes the NPPD - National Protection and ...

The cost of a WordPress website security breach

A security breach can be expensive. Many studies and statistics put the average of a security breach in the millions of dollars. This figure, however, does not mean much without context. Indeed, ...

A guide to hardening your web server

Due to their function, web servers are different from many other devices in a typical network environment—they are not only exposed to the internet by design, but they likely serve web traffic ...